Is SFC recognized by the Catholic Church?
"A Christian support environment for single men and women who are at the crossroads of their state of life, choosing between marriage, a religious vocation, or single blessedness."
There are no fees or any monetary expenses required of participants. The only investment required is their time and their openness.
Those who want to become members of Singles for Christ go through a seminar which is called a Christian Life Program (CLP). The CLP commences with an Orientation session, then goes through 12 talks. The talks are usually held in the afternoons or evenings and usually last about two and a half hours per session.
The single men and women today live in a difficult age. In a new world rapid change and unprecedented evil, they need to chart the course of their own lives. The face an uncertain future, without much to hold on to since traditional support structures are starting to break up around them. Being on their own now, they experience tremendous pressure to succeed, or perhaps for most, simply to survive.
The following embodies the beliefs and ideals of the CFC Singles for Christ as a ministry, from which flow the Christian attitudes, values and behavior, as well as its programs, teachings and approaches to Christian renewal.
We're going to have a Family Assembly on Saturday, January 28, 2-6pm at New Ark Hall.
CFC Singles For Christ Delaware