Friday, January 27, 2006

Is SFC recognized by the Catholic Church?

Yes, SFC is a servant and lay arm of the Roman Catholic Church in the work of family renewal and evangelization, and has a number of bishops as its Spiritual Directors. The Catholic Bishop's Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has granted Singles for Christ recognition as a PRIVATE ASSOCIATION OF THE LAY FAITHFUL in accordance to Canons 321-329 of the Code of Canon Law. Furthermore, SFC operates under the auspices of the Family Life and/or Evangelization Offices of parishes and dioceses throughout the world.

Is there any cost involved?

There are no fees or any monetary expenses required of participants. The only investment required is their time and their openness.

How does a person become a member of SFC?

Those who want to become members of Singles for Christ go through a seminar which is called a Christian Life Program (CLP). The CLP commences with an Orientation session, then goes through 12 talks. The talks are usually held in the afternoons or evenings and usually last about two and a half hours per session.

What is the Mission Statement of SFC?

The single men and women today live in a difficult age. In a new world rapid change and unprecedented evil, they need to chart the course of their own lives. The face an uncertain future, without much to hold on to since traditional support structures are starting to break up around them. Being on their own now, they experience tremendous pressure to succeed, or perhaps for most, simply to survive.

Life after school is a time for excitement and challenge. But, many single men and women soon realize that real life is very different from what they have learned in school. Many lose their idealism as the are confronted with the reality of evil in the marketplace. And so they start to compromise their values. Earning money gives them a new freedom to make choices and a new sense of power to buy and to own. But the lack of values and a sense of responsibility to go with this new freedom can lead many of them in a path away from God. The chart career paths that do not consider God as a priority and, worse, develop new activities and habits, including vices, that make them turn away from God. This will only lead them to a life of loneliness, frustrations, and despair.

We believe that God has a plan for us to live a meaningful, happy and productive lives at this stage of our human existence. Given the formidable obstacles that we face, we need a renewed relationship with God and the power of the Holy Spirit to live a new life. We need a support environment where God's plan is revealed to us and where we can draw strength from other single men and women who are committed to love and support us. We need a group where our energy and talents can be developed and put to good use to serve God and His people. We need a place where we can be formed to prepare us for the next stage of our lives, to marry or to live a single life in total dedication to the Lord.

We therefore commit to the work of personal renewal and evangelization in our milieu as part of the larger work of the Couples for Christ family and in line with it's global mission of "renewing the face of the earth."

What is the Philosophy Statement of SFC?

The following embodies the beliefs and ideals of the CFC Singles for Christ as a ministry, from which flow the Christian attitudes, values and behavior, as well as its programs, teachings and approaches to Christian renewal.

1. WE BELIEVE that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and we safeguard its sanctity by being pure in thought, in word and in deed.

2. WE BELIEVE that God gave us gifts and talents with which we can serve and glorify Him and which allow us to live fruitful lives. We believe in the proper stewardship of these gifts by striving to succeed in our chosen work or profession without sacrificing our Christian values and ethics.

3. WE BELIEVE in the indissolubility of Christian marriage and the importance of family life in the plan of God, in the sanctity of human life and the right of the unborn child.

4. WE BELIEVE that we are called to live out our faith fully and to share actively in the life and mission of our Church — through prayers, evangelization and service to others.

5. WE BELIEVE that Christian family renewal can best be achieved by inviting Jesus to be the Lord of our homes and by allowing the power of the Holy Spirit to lead our family lives and through the full use of all charismatic gifts at our disposal.

6. WE BELIEVE in living productive lives as citizens of our country, obeying its laws and respecting its institutions. We believe that we have a duty to the future generations, in protecting our natural environment and in combating the proliferation of evil in our social environment.

7. WE BELIEVE that individual and corporate renewal can best be achieved by having a deep personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior by calling upon the power of the Holy Spirit in our day-to day life and by making full use of all charismatic gifts at our disposal.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Man Of Steel Returns!

Following a mysterious absence of several years, the Man of Steel comes back to Earth in the epic action-adventure Superman Returns, a soaring new chapter in the saga of one of the world's most beloved superheroes. While an old enemy plots to render him powerless once and for all, Superman faces the heartbreaking realization that the woman he loves, Lois Lane, has moved on with her life. Or has she? Superman's bittersweet return challenges him to bridge the distance between them while finding a place in a society that has learned to survive without him. In an attempt to protect the world he loves from cataclysmic destruction, Superman embarks on an epic journey of redemption that takes him from the depths of the ocean to the far reaches of outer space.

Music Ministry Practice - January 27

Resurrection Parish
3000 Videre Drive, Skyline Ridge
Wilmington, DE 19808

6:30 PM - Arrival and setup
7:00 PM - Opening Worship and prayer
9:00 PM - Closing prayer and clean up

Bring your Glory books, song sheets from last week and instruments. Snacks will be provided.

King of Majesty
Psalm 95
Shout to the Lord
We'll be faithful
Mighty King of Zion
Holy is the Lord
This is how we overcome

May GOD be praised and glorified

Monday, January 23, 2006

Family Assembly - JAN 28, SATURDAY

We're going to have a Family Assembly on Saturday, January 28, 2-6pm at New Ark Hall.

Please be there by 1:30pm and bring your bible, songbook, and IDs.

This will be your HH Meeting for the week. Please plan on attending.

Thanks and God bless everyone.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

CFC Singles For Christ Delaware

CFC Singles For Christ Delaware

Music Ministry Practice

January 20, 2006
Resurrection Parish

6:30 PM - Arrival
7:00 PM - Opening Worship and prayer

Bring your Glory books and instruments.

Worship the Lord
Lord I lift your name on high
More precious than silver
Victory to our King
New Generation
By your side

May GOD be praised