The Day They Kicked God Out Of The Schools
"A Christian support environment for single men and women who are at the crossroads of their state of life, choosing between marriage, a religious vocation, or single blessedness."
It is so sad that I'm almost numb to it now. There have been so many school shootings since Columbine, with the most recent one in memory, the Amish School shooting. It's hard to remember a time without them. So many of them almost make me numb to them, but I should not be. I ask why then. Only God can answer that question. Although Pandora's box has been opened, I hope sometime in the future that something as horrible as this is not so commonplace, that we won't chalk it up as just another school shooting. So not to be numb to it, I will pray for all involved alive & gone and hope that in the future things will change and this will not be commonplace. I'll also encourage everyone else to pray for the students of Virginia Tech and their families.
April 1 - Palm Sunday